Spanish company dedicated to the location, analysis, classification, copying, and restoration of collections and archives of physical media such as paper, photographic, cinematographic, and video images through photochemical or digital systems.
Currently, there is growing awareness of the professional, historical, heritage, and artistic importance of existing documentary collections of images and graphic documents, many of which may be lost or irretrievably damaged in the near future.
The existing archives can be restored on their original medium to ensure their long-term preservation, and more importantly, they can be transferred to new digital formats that are more suitable for dissemination and consultation without needing to handle the original documents.
Consultation on archive conservation and maintenance.
It is common for professional photographic, cinematographic, and video archives to be stored in inadequate environmental conditions. HEPKRA DIGITAL provides guidance on how to establish the best conditions for archiving, preserving, and handling them, depending on the type of medium they are stored on.
Current evaluation of the collection.
Proposals for conditioning the archive for modern usage and ensuring its preservation for future generations. Training of personnel responsible for the archive, both for the maintenance and exploitation of the existing archive and for the archiving and handling of new acquisitions and digitization.
Restoration of media.
Although it is always recommended to restore original media for historical preservation, the possibilities offered by current technologies have made digitalization the preferred method for facilitating access and dissemination.
Each type of medium requires different treatment; therefore, the first step is to analyze the media to decide whether chemical or digital restoration is preferable.
We can distinguish the following media types:
Location of originals.
We offer research services to locate original negatives of documentaries or news related to companies and specialized topics within existing archives in Spain, both public and private.
Our relationships with international research centers and universities allow us to evaluate and conduct research studies related to the analysis and interpretation of images, recovery of plans and sketches, generation of specialized databases, etc., with the possibility of participating in national and international research programs.
Within the general scope of HEPKRA DIGITAL’s activities, we also offer supervision and consulting services for projects related to any area of cinematography, photography, and video. The staff who work or collaborate regularly have extensive experience in the fields of Industrial Photography, Industrial Video and Cinematography, and Architectural and Civil Engineering studies.
Está dotado de equipos de digitalización 4K, sistemas de restauración digital
y de generación de materiales de difusión en alta resolución.
Conservación preventiva y curativa
Acciones aplicadas sobre un material original
Preservación con un horizonte temporal muy amplio
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